Join us for knowledge sharing and community learning.

We believe that everyone should be able to make decisions that feel best for them, their minds and their bodies. A necessary part of this is having all of the information you need to make such decisions, and having this knowledge shared in a way that is accessible, relevant and inclusive of your whole identity.

Our panels and workshops are opportunities for us to share knowledge and skills with each other. Whether you’re a care provider, a community member, or just a curious individual, we would love to have you!

Chai and Chill

Community meet ups are here!

If you'd like to meet other folks in repro, chat to people with similar interests, or just want to connect with our wider Ad'iyah Community, then grab a cup of a chai and join us for some community connection.

These spaces are hosted once a quarter and held in English. There will be some gentle facilitation/conversations prompts. These spaces are open to everyone (Muslim or not).

Sign up here.